UniRx – Unity响应式编程插件
插件作者Yoshifumi Kawai(neuecc)
本文译者:郑洪智 – 你的技术探路者
UniRx (Unity响应式编程插件) 重写了.Net的响应式扩展。.Net官方的Rx很棒,但是在Unity中无法使用,并且与IOS的IL2CPP有兼容性问题。这个库这些问题并且添加了一些Unity专属的工具类。 支持的平台有:PC/Mac/Android/iOS/WP8/WindowsStore/等等,并且支持Unity4.6之后的所有版本。
UniRx 在 Unity Asset Store 的地址(免费) – http://u3d.as/content/neuecc/uni-rx-reactive-extensions-for-unity/7tT
演讲PPT – http://www.slideshare.net/neuecc/unirx-reactive-extensions-for-unityen
更新博客 – https://medium.com/@neuecc
在Unity论坛中提供支持 – http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/248535-UniRx-Reactive-Extensions-for-Unity
更新日志 UniRx/releases
UniRx 包含 Core Library (Port of Rx) + Platform Adaptor (MainThreadScheduler/FromCoroutine/etc) + Framework (ObservableTriggers/ReactiveProeperty/etc)
一般来说,网络操作需要用到 WWW
和 Coroutine
。但是使用 Coroutine
- 协程不能有返回值,因为它返回类型必须是IEnumerator
- 协程不能处理异常,因为 yield return 语句没办法被 try-catch
游戏循环 (every Update, OnCollisionEnter, etc), 传感器数据 (Kinect, Leap Motion, VR Input, etc.) 都是事件。Rx将事件转化为响应式的序列,通过LINQ操作可以很简单地组合起来,还支持时间操作。
UniRx 可以简化 uGUI 的编程,所有的UI事件 (clicked, valuechanged, etc) 可以转化为 UniRx 的事件流。
介绍 Rx 的非常棒的文章: The introduction to Reactive Programming you’ve been missing.
var clickStream = Observable.EveryUpdate() .Where(_ => Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)); clickStream.Buffer(clickStream.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250))) .Where(xs => xs.Count >= 2) .Subscribe(xs => Debug.Log("DoubleClick Detected! Count:" + xs.Count));
- 将游戏循环为 (Update) 变成事件流
- 组合事件流
- 合并自身事件流
- 基于时间的操作非常简单
使用 ObservableWWW 进行异步网络操作。它的 Get/Post 方法返回可订阅(Subscribe)的 IObservables:
ObservableWWW.Get("http://google.co.jp/") .Subscribe( x => Debug.Log(x.Substring(0, 100)), // onSuccess ex => Debug.LogException(ex)); // onError
Rx 可以组合和取消。你也可以通过LINQ表达式进行查询:
// composing asynchronous sequence with LINQ query expressions var query = from google in ObservableWWW.Get("http://google.com/") from bing in ObservableWWW.Get("http://bing.com/") from unknown in ObservableWWW.Get(google + bing) select new { google, bing, unknown }; var cancel = query.Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x)); // Call Dispose is cancel. cancel.Dispose();
并行请求使用 Observable.WhenAll :
// Observable.WhenAll is for parallel asynchronous operation // (It's like Observable.Zip but specialized for single async operations like Task.WhenAll) var parallel = Observable.WhenAll( ObservableWWW.Get("http://google.com/"), ObservableWWW.Get("http://bing.com/"), ObservableWWW.Get("http://unity3d.com/")); parallel.Subscribe(xs => { Debug.Log(xs[0].Substring(0, 100)); // google Debug.Log(xs[1].Substring(0, 100)); // bing Debug.Log(xs[2].Substring(0, 100)); // unity });
// notifier for progress use ScheudledNotifier or new Progress<float>(/* action */) var progressNotifier = new ScheduledNotifier<float>(); progressNotifier.Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x)); // write www.progress // pass notifier to WWW.Get/Post ObservableWWW.Get("http://google.com/", progress: progressNotifier).Subscribe();
// If WWW has .error, ObservableWWW throws WWWErrorException to onError pipeline. // WWWErrorException has RawErrorMessage, HasResponse, StatusCode, ResponseHeaders ObservableWWW.Get("http://www.google.com/404") .CatchIgnore((WWWErrorException ex) => { Debug.Log(ex.RawErrorMessage); if (ex.HasResponse) { Debug.Log(ex.StatusCode); } foreach (var item in ex.ResponseHeaders) { Debug.Log(item.Key + ":" + item.Value); } }) .Subscribe();
和 IEnumerators 一起使用(协程)
IEnumerator (协程) 是Unity主要的异步工具。UniRx 集成了协程和 IObservables。 你可以用协程写异步代码,然后用 UniRx 来组织他们。这是控制异步流的最好的方法。
// two coroutines IEnumerator AsyncA() { Debug.Log("a start"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); Debug.Log("a end"); } IEnumerator AsyncB() { Debug.Log("b start"); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Debug.Log("b end"); } // main code // Observable.FromCoroutine converts IEnumerator to Observable<Unit>. // You can also use the shorthand, AsyncA().ToObservable() // after AsyncA completes, run AsyncB as a continuous routine. // UniRx expands SelectMany(IEnumerator) as SelectMany(IEnumerator.ToObservable()) var cancel = Observable.FromCoroutine(AsyncA) .SelectMany(AsyncB) .Subscribe(); // you can stop a coroutine by calling your subscription's Dispose. cancel.Dispose();
在 Unity 5.3 或更新版本里, 可以使用 ToYieldInstruction 将 Observable 转为 Coroutine。
IEnumerator TestNewCustomYieldInstruction() { // wait Rx Observable. yield return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).ToYieldInstruction(); // you can change the scheduler(this is ignore Time.scale) yield return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Scheduler.MainThreadIgnoreTimeScale).ToYieldInstruction(); // get return value from ObservableYieldInstruction var o = ObservableWWW.Get("http://unity3d.com/").ToYieldInstruction(throwOnError: false); yield return o; if (o.HasError) { Debug.Log(o.Error.ToString()); } if (o.HasResult) { Debug.Log(o.Result); } // other sample(wait until transform.position.y >= 100) yield return this.transform.ObserveEveryValueChanged(x => x.position).FirstOrDefault(p => p.y >= 100).ToYieldInstruction(); }
通常,协程想要返回一个值需要使用回调callback。Observable.FromCoroutine 可以将协程转为可以取消的 IObservable[T]。
// public method public static IObservable<string> GetWWW(string url) { // convert coroutine to IObservable return Observable.FromCoroutine<string>((observer, cancellationToken) => GetWWWCore(url, observer, cancellationToken)); } // IObserver is a callback publisher // Note: IObserver's basic scheme is "OnNext* (OnError | Oncompleted)?" static IEnumerator GetWWWCore(string url, IObserver<string> observer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var www = new UnityEngine.WWW(url); while (!www.isDone && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { yield return null; } if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) yield break; if (www.error != null) { observer.OnError(new Exception(www.error)); } else { observer.OnNext(www.text); observer.OnCompleted(); // IObserver needs OnCompleted after OnNext! } }
public static IObservable<float> ToObservable(this UnityEngine.AsyncOperation asyncOperation) { if (asyncOperation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncOperation"); return Observable.FromCoroutine<float>((observer, cancellationToken) => RunAsyncOperation(asyncOperation, observer, cancellationToken)); } static IEnumerator RunAsyncOperation(UnityEngine.AsyncOperation asyncOperation, IObserver<float> observer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { while (!asyncOperation.isDone && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { observer.OnNext(asyncOperation.progress); yield return null; } if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { observer.OnNext(asyncOperation.progress); // push 100% observer.OnCompleted(); } } // usecase Application.LoadLevelAsync("testscene") .ToObservable() .Do(x => Debug.Log(x)) // output progress .Last() // last sequence is load completed .Subscribe();
// Observable.Start is start factory methods on specified scheduler // default is on ThreadPool var heavyMethod = Observable.Start(() => { // heavy method... System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); return 10; }); var heavyMethod2 = Observable.Start(() => { // heavy method... System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); return 10; }); // Join and await two other thread values Observable.WhenAll(heavyMethod, heavyMethod2) .ObserveOnMainThread() // return to main thread .Subscribe(xs => { // Unity can't touch GameObject from other thread // but use ObserveOnMainThread, you can touch GameObject naturally. (GameObject.Find("myGuiText")).guiText.text = xs[0] + ":" + xs[1]; });
UniRx 中基于时间的操作(Interval, Timer, Buffer(timeSpan), etc) 使用 Scheduler.MainThread
)在单线程上工作,所以 ObserverOn 不是必须的而且不需要处理线程安全。这和标准的 RxNet 不太一样,但是更符合Unity环境。
会受 Time.timeScale 的影响。如果你想要忽略time scale,使用 Scheduler.MainThreadIgnoreTimeScale
使用 UniRx.Triggers
using UniRx; using UniRx.Triggers; // need UniRx.Triggers namespace public class MyComponent : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { // Get the plain object var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); // Add ObservableXxxTrigger for handle MonoBehaviour's event as Observable cube.AddComponent<ObservableUpdateTrigger>() .UpdateAsObservable() .SampleFrame(30) .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log("cube"), () => Debug.Log("destroy")); // destroy after 3 second:) GameObject.Destroy(cube, 3f); } }
支持的触发器列表 UniRx.wiki#UniRx.Triggers.
通过订阅Component/GameObject的扩展方法,控制这些触发器可以更简单。这些方法会自动添加ObservableTrigger到物体上(除了 ObservableEventTrigger
and ObservableStateMachineTrigger
using UniRx; using UniRx.Triggers; // need UniRx.Triggers namespace for extend gameObejct public class DragAndDropOnce : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { // All events can subscribe by ***AsObservable this.OnMouseDownAsObservable() .SelectMany(_ => this.UpdateAsObservable()) .TakeUntil(this.OnMouseUpAsObservable()) .Select(_ => Input.mousePosition) .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x)); } }
。这是一个不再支持的过时的接口。请使用 UniRx.Triggers 代替。
public class ObservableLongPointerDownTrigger : ObservableTriggerBase, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler { public float IntervalSecond = 1f; Subject<Unit> onLongPointerDown; float? raiseTime; void Update() { if (raiseTime != null && raiseTime <= Time.realtimeSinceStartup) { if (onLongPointerDown != null) onLongPointerDown.OnNext(Unit.Default); raiseTime = null; } } void IPointerDownHandler.OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { raiseTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + IntervalSecond; } void IPointerUpHandler.OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) { raiseTime = null; } public IObservable<Unit> OnLongPointerDownAsObservable() { return onLongPointerDown ?? (onLongPointerDown = new Subject<Unit>()); } protected override void RaiseOnCompletedOnDestroy() { if (onLongPointerDown != null) { onLongPointerDown.OnCompleted(); } } }
var trigger = button.AddComponent<ObservableLongPointerDownTrigger>(); trigger.OnLongPointerDownAsObservable().Subscribe();
Observable 生命周期管理
OnCompleted 什么时候会被调用?使用UniRx的时候Subscription的生命周期管理非常重要。ObservableTriggers
在attached的物体被销毁的时候调用。其他静态的方法 (Observable.Timer
, Observable.EveryUpdate
, etc…) 不会自动停止,需要手动去管理。
Rx 提供了一些方法, 例如 IDisposable.AddTo
// CompositeDisposable is similar with List<IDisposable>, manage multiple IDisposable CompositeDisposable disposables = new CompositeDisposable(); // field void Start() { Observable.EveryUpdate().Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x)).AddTo(disposables); } void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { // .Clear() => Dispose is called for all inner disposables, and the list is cleared. // .Dispose() => Dispose is called for all inner disposables, and Dispose is called immediately after additional Adds. disposables.Clear(); }
void Start() { Observable.IntervalFrame(30).Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x)).AddTo(this); }
AddTo 方法可以带来自动释放。如果你需要一些特殊的 OnCompleted 处理,使用 TakeWhile
, TakeUntil
, TakeUntilDestroy
或 TakeUntilDisable
Observable.IntervalFrame(30).TakeUntilDisable(this) .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x), () => Debug.Log("completed!"));
using UniRx; using UniRx.Triggers; public class DangerousDragAndDrop : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { this.gameObject.OnMouseDownAsObservable() .SelectMany(_ => this.gameObject.UpdateAsObservable()) .TakeUntil(this.gameObject.OnMouseUpAsObservable()) .Select(_ => Input.mousePosition) .Repeat() // dangerous!!! Repeat cause infinite repeat subscribe at GameObject was destroyed.(If in UnityEditor, Editor is freezed) .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x)); } }
: 如果”OnComplete”连续调用,Repeat会自动停止。 RepeatUntilDestroy(gameObject/component)
, RepeatUntilDisable(gameObject/component)
this.gameObject.OnMouseDownAsObservable() .SelectMany(_ => this.gameObject.UpdateAsObservable()) .TakeUntil(this.gameObject.OnMouseUpAsObservable()) .Select(_ => Input.mousePosition) .RepeatUntilDestroy(this) // safety way .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x));
UniRx保证动态observable(FromEvent/Subject/ReactiveProperty/UnityUI.AsObservable…, there are like event) 内有未处理的异常时也能持续工作。什么意思呢?如果在Subscribe内subscribe,里面subscribe的异样不会造成外部的subscribe失效。
button.OnClickAsObservable().Subscribe(_ => { // If throws error in inner subscribe, but doesn't detached OnClick event. ObservableWWW.Get("htttp://error/").Subscribe(x => { Debug.Log(x); }); });
所有类的实例提供了一个 ObserveEveryValueChanged
// watch position change this.transform.ObserveEveryValueChanged(x => x.position).Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x));
这很有用。如果监听的目标是一个GameObject, 会在目标被销毁时停止并调用OnCompleted。如果监听目标是C#的对象,OnCompleted会在GC时调用。
使用Subject (或AsyncSubject用于异步操作):
public class LogCallback { public string Condition; public string StackTrace; public UnityEngine.LogType LogType; } public static class LogHelper { static Subject<LogCallback> subject; public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable() { if (subject == null) { subject = new Subject<LogCallback>(); // Publish to Subject in callback UnityEngine.Application.RegisterLogCallback((condition, stackTrace, type) => { subject.OnNext(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = type }); }); } return subject.AsObservable(); } } // method is separatable and composable LogHelper.LogCallbackAsObservable() .Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Warning) .Subscribe(); LogHelper.LogCallbackAsObservable() .Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Error) .Subscribe();
Unity5中移除了 Application.RegisterLogCallback
,并用 Application.logMessageReceived
替代。所以可以更简单地用 Observable.FromEvent
public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable() { return Observable.FromEvent<Application.LogCallback, LogCallback>( h => (condition, stackTrace, type) => h(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = type }), h => Application.logMessageReceived += h, h => Application.logMessageReceived -= h); }
流式日志记录器Stream Logger
// using UniRx.Diagnostics; // logger is threadsafe, define per class with name. static readonly Logger logger = new Logger("Sample11"); // call once at applicationinit public static void ApplicationInitialize() { // Log as Stream, UniRx.Diagnostics.ObservableLogger.Listener is IObservable<LogEntry> // You can subscribe and output to any place. ObservableLogger.Listener.LogToUnityDebug(); // for example, filter only Exception and upload to web. // (make custom sink(IObserver<EventEntry>) is better to use) ObservableLogger.Listener .Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Exception) .Subscribe(x => { // ObservableWWW.Post("", null).Subscribe(); }); } // Debug is write only DebugBuild. logger.Debug("Debug Message"); // or other logging methods logger.Log("Message"); logger.Exception(new Exception("test exception"));
中的 Debug
// needs Diagnostics using using UniRx.Diagnostics; --- // [DebugDump, Normal]OnSubscribe // [DebugDump, Normal]OnNext(1) // [DebugDump, Normal]OnNext(10) // [DebugDump, Normal]OnCompleted() { var subject = new Subject<int>(); subject.Debug("DebugDump, Normal").Subscribe(); subject.OnNext(1); subject.OnNext(10); subject.OnCompleted(); } // [DebugDump, Cancel]OnSubscribe // [DebugDump, Cancel]OnNext(1) // [DebugDump, Cancel]OnCancel { var subject = new Subject<int>(); var d = subject.Debug("DebugDump, Cancel").Subscribe(); subject.OnNext(1); d.Dispose(); } // [DebugDump, Error]OnSubscribe // [DebugDump, Error]OnNext(1) // [DebugDump, Error]OnError(System.Exception) { var subject = new Subject<int>(); subject.Debug("DebugDump, Error").Subscribe(); subject.OnNext(1); subject.OnError(new Exception()); }
将按事件顺序显示 OnNext
, OnError
, OnCompleted
, OnCancel
, OnSubscribe
的调用并通过Debug.Log打印出来。只在 #if DEBUG
Unity-specific Extra Gems(针对Unity的超酷额外功能)
// Unity's singleton UiThread Queue Scheduler Scheduler.MainThreadScheduler ObserveOnMainThread()/SubscribeOnMainThread() // Global StartCoroutine runner MainThreadDispatcher.StartCoroutine(enumerator) // convert Coroutine to IObservable Observable.FromCoroutine((observer, token) => enumerator(observer, token)); // convert IObservable to Coroutine yield return Observable.Range(1, 10).ToYieldInstruction(); // after Unity 5.3, before can use StartAsCoroutine() // Lifetime hooks Observable.EveryApplicationPause(); Observable.EveryApplicationFocus(); Observable.OnceApplicationQuit();
Framecount-based time operators(基于帧数的时间操作)
UniRx 提供了一些基于帧数的时间操作:
Method |
EveryUpdate |
EveryFixedUpdate |
EveryEndOfFrame |
EveryGameObjectUpdate |
EveryLateUpdate |
ObserveOnMainThread |
NextFrame |
IntervalFrame |
TimerFrame |
DelayFrame |
SampleFrame |
ThrottleFrame |
ThrottleFirstFrame |
TimeoutFrame |
DelayFrameSubscription |
FrameInterval |
FrameTimeInterval |
BatchFrame |
Observable.TimerFrame(100).Subscribe(_ => Debug.Log("after 100 frame"));
Every* 方法们的执行顺序是
EveryGameObjectUpdate(in MainThreadDispatcher's Execution Order) -> EveryUpdate -> EveryLateUpdate -> EveryEndOfFrame
EveryGameObjectUpdate 在同一帧被调用,从 MainThreadDispatcher.Update 中调用(作者建议 MainThreadDispatcher 脚本比其他脚本先执行(ScriptExecutionOrder 设置为 -32000)
EveryLateUpdate, EveryEndOfFrame 在同一帧调用。
MicroCoroutine 在内存上更有效率,而且更快。这是基于Unity的这篇博客《10000 UPDATE() CALLS》(http://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/12/23/1k-update-calls/)实现的,可以快上几十倍。MicroCoroutine会自动用于基于帧数的时间操作和ObserveEveryValueChanged。
如果你想要使用MicroCoroutine替代unity内置的协程,使用 MainThreadDispatcher.StartUpdateMicroCoroutine
或者 Observable.FromMicroCoroutine
int counter; IEnumerator Worker() { while(true) { counter++; yield return null; } } void Start() { for(var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // fast, memory efficient MainThreadDispatcher.StartUpdateMicroCoroutine(Worker()); // slow... // StartCoroutine(Worker()); } }
MicroCoroutine的局限是:仅支持 yield return null
, StartFixedUpdateMicroCoroutine
, StartEndOfFrameMicroCoroutine
IEnumerator MicroCoroutineWithToYieldInstruction() { var www = ObservableWWW.Get("http://aaa").ToYieldInstruction(); while (!www.IsDone) { yield return null; } if (www.HasResult) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(www.Result); } }
public Button MyButton; // --- MyButton.onClick.AsObservable().Subscribe(_ => Debug.Log("clicked"));
public Toggle MyToggle; public InputField MyInput; public Text MyText; public Slider MySlider; // On Start, you can write reactive rules for declaretive/reactive ui programming void Start() { // Toggle, Input etc as Observable (OnValueChangedAsObservable is a helper providing isOn value on subscribe) // SubscribeToInteractable is an Extension Method, same as .interactable = x) MyToggle.OnValueChangedAsObservable().SubscribeToInteractable(MyButton); // Input is displayed after a 1 second delay MyInput.OnValueChangedAsObservable() .Where(x => x != null) .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) .SubscribeToText(MyText); // SubscribeToText is helper for subscribe to text // Converting for human readability MySlider.OnValueChangedAsObservable() .SubscribeToText(MyText, x => Math.Round(x, 2).ToString()); }
更多的响应式UI编程参见工程中例子Sample12, Sample13以及下面ReactiveProperty部分。
ReactiveProperty, ReactiveCollection
// Reactive Notification Model public class Enemy { public ReactiveProperty<long> CurrentHp { get; private set; } public ReactiveProperty<bool> IsDead { get; private set; } public Enemy(int initialHp) { // Declarative Property CurrentHp = new ReactiveProperty<long>(initialHp); IsDead = CurrentHp.Select(x => x <= 0).ToReactiveProperty(); } } // --- // onclick, HP decrement MyButton.OnClickAsObservable().Subscribe(_ => enemy.CurrentHp.Value -= 99); // subscribe from notification model. enemy.CurrentHp.SubscribeToText(MyText); enemy.IsDead.Where(isDead => isDead == true) .Subscribe(_ => { MyButton.interactable = false; });
你可以用UnityEvent.AsObservable将ReactiveProperties, ReactiveCollections 和 observables 组合起来。 所有UI组件都是observable的。
一般来说ReactiveProperties不是可序列化的或者说在Unity编辑器的Inspector面板中看不到,但是UniRx提供了特殊的子类来实现这个功能。包括Int/LongReactiveProperty, Float/DoubleReactiveProperty, StringReactiveProperty, BoolReactiveProperty,还有更多参见:InspectableReactiveProperty.cs
或者 [Range]
添加到ReactiveProperty上,你可以使用 MultilineReactivePropertyAttribute
和 RangeReactivePropertyAttribute
替换 Multiline
和 Range
这个功能是实现在 InspectorDisplayDrawer
public enum Fruit { Apple, Grape } [Serializable] public class FruitReactiveProperty : ReactiveProperty<Fruit> { public FruitReactiveProperty() { } public FruitReactiveProperty(Fruit initialValue) :base(initialValue) { } } [UnityEditor.CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(FruitReactiveProperty))] [UnityEditor.CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(YourSpecializedReactiveProperty2))] // and others... public class ExtendInspectorDisplayDrawer : InspectorDisplayDrawer { }
如果ReactiveProperty的值只在stream中更新,你可以用 ReadOnlyReactiveProperty
public class Person { public ReactiveProperty<string> GivenName { get; private set; } public ReactiveProperty<string> FamilyName { get; private set; } public ReadOnlyReactiveProperty<string> FullName { get; private set; } public Person(string givenName, string familyName) { GivenName = new ReactiveProperty<string>(givenName); FamilyName = new ReactiveProperty<string>(familyName); // If change the givenName or familyName, notify with fullName! FullName = GivenName.CombineLatest(FamilyName, (x, y) => x + " " + y).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); } }
MVP设计模式 Model-View-(Reactive)Presenter Pattern
为什么应该用MVP模式而不是MVVM模式?Unity没有提供UI绑定机制,创建一个绑定层过于复杂并且会对性能造成影响。 尽管如此,视图还是需要更新。Presenters层知道view的组件并且能更新它们。虽然没有真的绑定,但Observables可以通知订阅者,功能上也差不多。这种模式叫做Reactive Presenter:
// Presenter for scene(canvas) root. public class ReactivePresenter : MonoBehaviour { // Presenter is aware of its View (binded in the inspector) public Button MyButton; public Toggle MyToggle; // State-Change-Events from Model by ReactiveProperty Enemy enemy = new Enemy(1000); void Start() { // Rx supplies user events from Views and Models in a reactive manner MyButton.OnClickAsObservable().Subscribe(_ => enemy.CurrentHp.Value -= 99); MyToggle.OnValueChangedAsObservable().SubscribeToInteractable(MyButton); // Models notify Presenters via Rx, and Presenters update their views enemy.CurrentHp.SubscribeToText(MyText); enemy.IsDead.Where(isDead => isDead == true) .Subscribe(_ => { MyToggle.interactable = MyButton.interactable = false; }); } } // The Model. All property notify when their values change public class Enemy { public ReactiveProperty<long> CurrentHp { get; private set; } public ReactiveProperty<bool> IsDead { get; private set; } public Enemy(int initialHp) { // Declarative Property CurrentHp = new ReactiveProperty<long>(initialHp); IsDead = CurrentHp.Select(x => x <= 0).ToReactiveProperty(); } }
视图层是一个场景scene,是Unity的hierachy定义的。展示层在Unity初始化时将视图层绑定。XxxAsObservable方法可以很容易的创建事件信号signals,没有任何开销。SubscribeToText and SubscribeToInteractable 都是简洁的类似绑定的辅助函数。虽然这些工具很简单,但是非常有用。在Unity中使用很平滑,性能很好,而且让你的代码更简洁。
V -> RP -> M -> RP -> V 完全用响应式的方式连接。UniRx提供了所有的适配方法和类,不过其他的MVVM(or MV*)框架也可以使用。UniRx/ReactiveProperty只是一个简单的工具包。
GUI编程也可以从ObservableTriggers获益良多。ObservableTriggers将Unity事件转为Observables,所以MV(R)P模式可以用它们来组成。例如 ObservableEventTrigger
将 uGUI 事件转为 Observable:
var eventTrigger = this.gameObject.AddComponent<ObservableEventTrigger>(); eventTrigger.OnBeginDragAsObservable() .SelectMany(_ => eventTrigger.OnDragAsObservable(), (start, current) => UniRx.Tuple.Create(start, current)) .TakeUntil(eventTrigger.OnEndDragAsObservable()) .RepeatUntilDestroy(this) .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x));
ReactiveCommand, AsyncReactiveCommand
ReactiveCommand 抽象了按钮的interactable属性。
public class Player { public ReactiveProperty<int> Hp; public ReactiveCommand Resurrect; public Player() { Hp = new ReactiveProperty<int>(1000); // If dead, can not execute. Resurrect = Hp.Select(x => x <= 0).ToReactiveCommand(); // Execute when clicked Resurrect.Subscribe(_ => { Hp.Value = 1000; }); } } public class Presenter : MonoBehaviour { public Button resurrectButton; Player player; void Start() { player = new Player(); // If Hp <= 0, can't press button. player.Resurrect.BindTo(resurrectButton); } }
AsyncReactiveCommand是ReactiveCommand的变种,它的 CanExecute
(通常绑定到button的interactable) 在异步操作完成后变为false。
public class Presenter : MonoBehaviour { public UnityEngine.UI.Button button; void Start() { var command = new AsyncReactiveCommand(); command.Subscribe(_ => { // heavy, heavy, heavy method.... return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)).AsUnitObservable(); }); // after clicked, button shows disable for 3 seconds command.BindTo(button); // Note:shortcut extension, bind aync onclick directly button.BindToOnClick(_ => { return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)).AsUnitObservable(); }); } }
– CanExecute is changed to false until async execution finished(IObservable<bool> canExecuteSource)
– 当 canExecuteSource 变为 true 并且没有在执行的时候 CanExecute 变为true 。(IReactiveProperty<bool> sharedCanExecute)
– 在多个AsyncReactiveCommands之间共享运行状态,如果一个 AsyncReactiveCommand 在执行,那么其他的 AsyncReactiveCommands(拥有相同 sharedCanExecute 属性) 的 CanExecute 变为 false 直到异步操作完成。
public class Presenter : MonoBehaviour { public UnityEngine.UI.Button button1; public UnityEngine.UI.Button button2; void Start() { // share canExecute status. // when clicked button1, button1 and button2 was disabled for 3 seconds. var sharedCanExecute = new ReactiveProperty<bool>(); button1.BindToOnClick(sharedCanExecute, _ => { return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)).AsUnitObservable(); }); button2.BindToOnClick(sharedCanExecute, _ => { return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)).AsUnitObservable(); }); } }
MessageBroker, AsyncMessageBroker(消息代理,异步消息代理)
MessageBroker 是基于 Rx 的内存发布订阅(pubsub)系统,基于类型筛选。
public class TestArgs { public int Value { get; set; } } --- // Subscribe message on global-scope. MessageBroker.Default.Receive<TestArgs>().Subscribe(x => UnityEngine.Debug.Log(x)); // Publish message MessageBroker.Default.Publish(new TestArgs { Value = 1000 });
AsyncMessageBroker 是 MessageBroker 的一个变种, 可以处理异步的 Publish 调用。
AsyncMessageBroker.Default.Subscribe<TestArgs>(x => { // show after 3 seconds. return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)) .ForEachAsync(_ => { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(x); }); }); AsyncMessageBroker.Default.PublishAsync(new TestArgs { Value = 3000 }) .Subscribe(_ => { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("called all subscriber completed"); });
包含了一些Rx风格的工具。目前报错 ObjectPool
和 AsyncObjectPool
。可以 Rent
, Return
and PreloadAsync
// sample class public class Foobar : MonoBehaviour { public IObservable<Unit> ActionAsync() { // heavy, heavy, action... return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)).AsUnitObservable(); } } public class FoobarPool : ObjectPool<Foobar> { readonly Foobar prefab; readonly Transform hierarchyParent; public FoobarPool(Foobar prefab, Transform hierarchyParent) { this.prefab = prefab; this.hierarchyParent = hierarchyParent; } protected override Foobar CreateInstance() { var foobar = GameObject.Instantiate<Foobar>(prefab); foobar.transform.SetParent(hierarchyParent); return foobar; } // You can overload OnBeforeRent, OnBeforeReturn, OnClear for customize action. // In default, OnBeforeRent = SetActive(true), OnBeforeReturn = SetActive(false) // protected override void OnBeforeRent(Foobar instance) // protected override void OnBeforeReturn(Foobar instance) // protected override void OnClear(Foobar instance) } public class Presenter : MonoBehaviour { FoobarPool pool = null; public Foobar prefab; public Button rentButton; void Start() { pool = new FoobarPool(prefab, this.transform); rentButton.OnClickAsObservable().Subscribe(_ => { var foobar = pool.Rent(); foobar.ActionAsync().Subscribe(__ => { // if action completed, return to pool pool.Return(foobar); }); }); } }
Visual Studio 分析器
Visual Studio 2015的用户可以使用一个分析器UniRxAnalyzer。它可以检测没有被subscribed的streams。
- Install-Package UniRxAnalyzer(http://www.nuget.org/packages/UniRxAnalyzer)
请在GitHub Issues上提交对分析器的新想法!
参见 UniRx/Examples
Sample09_EventHandling 展示了如何进行资源管理,包括MainThreadDispatcher和其他一些东西。
Windows Store/Phone App (NETFX_CORE)
一些接口,如 UniRx.IObservable<T>
and System.IObservable<T>
在Windows Store App中使用时会造成冲突。
因此,如果使用 NETFX_CORE,避免使用类似 UniRx.IObservable<T>
async/await Support
基于 《Upgraded Mono/.Net in Editor on 5.5.0b4》(https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/upgraded-mono-net-in-editor-on-5-5-0b4.433541/),Unity支持了 .NET 4.6 和 C# 6。UniRx 提供了 UniRxSynchronizationContext
async Task UniRxSynchronizationContextSolves() { Debug.Log("start delay"); // UniRxSynchronizationContext is automatically used. await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); Debug.Log("from another thread, but you can touch transform position."); Debug.Log(this.transform.position); }
UniRx 也直接支持 await Coroutine。
async Task CoroutineBridge() { Debug.Log("start www await"); var www = await new WWW("https://unity3d.com"); Debug.Log(www.text); }
async Task AwaitObservable() { Debug.Log("start await observable"); await Observable.NextFrame(); // like yield return null await Observable.TimerFrame(5); // await 5 frame Debug.Log("end await observable"); }
如果你想预编译UniRx,你可以自行编译dll。clone这个project,打开 UniRx.sln
, 你可以看到 UniRx
, 是一个完全独立的工程。你应该定义一些宏如 UNITY;UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER;UNITY_5_4_0;UNITY_5_4;UNITY_5;
如果你想将UniRx用于.NET 3.5 CLR应用,你可以使用UniRx.Library
。 UniRx.Library
不依赖UnityEngine,编译 UniRx.Library
需要定义 UniRxLibrary
宏。另外预编译的 UniRx.Library
Install-Package UniRx
- UniRx/wiki(https://github.com/neuecc/UniRx/wiki)
UniRx API文档。
The home of ReactiveX. Introduction, All operators are illustrated with graphical marble diagrams, there makes easy to understand. And UniRx is official ReactiveX Languages.
A great online tutorial and eBook.
Many videos, slides and documents for Rx.NET.
Intro slide by @torisoup
Intro slide and sample game by @Xerios
How to integrate with PlayFab API
What game or library is using UniRx?
– [Farm Away!][(http://www.farmawaygame.com/)
– Build Away!
– AdVenture Capitalist
– AdVenture Communist
- PhotonWire – Typed Asynchronous RPC Layer for Photon Server + Unity.
- uFrame Game Framework – MVVM/MV* framework designed for the Unity Engine.
- EcsRx – A simple framework for unity using the ECS paradigm but with unirx for fully reactive systems.
- ActionStreetMap Demo – ASM is an engine for building real city environment dynamically using OSM data.
- utymap – UtyMap is library for building real city environment dynamically using various data sources (mostly, OpenStreetMap and Natural Earth).
- Submarine – A mobile game that is made with Unity3D and RoR, WebSocket server written in Go.
If you use UniRx, please comment to UniRx/issues/152.
Help & Contribute
Support thread on the Unity forum. Ask me any question – http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/248535-UniRx-Reactive-Extensions-for-Unity
We welcome any contributions, be they bug reports, requests or pull request.
Please consult and submit your reports or requests on GitHub issues.
Source code is available in Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts
This project is using Visual Studio with UnityVS.
Author’s other Unity + LINQ Assets
LINQ to GameObject is a group of GameObject extensions for Unity that allows traversing the hierarchy and appending GameObject to it like LINQ to XML. It’s free and opensource on GitHub.
Author Info
Yoshifumi Kawai(a.k.a. neuecc) is a software developer in Japan.
He is the Director/CTO at Grani, Inc.
Grani is a top social game developer in Japan.
He is awarding Microsoft MVP for Visual C# since 2011.
He is known as the creator of linq.js(LINQ to Objects for JavaScript)
Blog: https://medium.com/@neuecc (English)
Blog: http://neue.cc/ (Japanese)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/neuecc (Japanese)
This library is under the MIT License.